Ashton 2 Year Painting Milestone Session | Somerset, New Jersey

What better way than to set up a stage for your little ones, to indulge them in creative play! I always thought that painting for children is beyond joy, its the medium to express their feelings and independence! 

Ashton’s session was all about it! His mom was very open to new ideas, and gave me the opportunity to suggest a theme! So I came up with a very unique “painting themed session” to celebrate Ashton turning two. The intention was to take candid portraiture of him experimenting with colors! 

We took a little risk, by taking all the painting materials outside in nature for this photo shoot! I was not sure how this was going to turn out, so I’d also planned to introduce a tractor toy later in the session.  

We lucked out, the weather was fine and he had super fun exploring around! But, his adorable expressions while painting clearly stole the show!  

The best part of the whole day for me, was at the end of the session when the parents requested if they could take his art pieces home. I couldn’t be happier to hear that they wanted to preserve these pieces! Enjoy the glimpse of this budding artist in making! 

And if you’re also thinking of documenting your child’s creative developmental journey, please fill out the contact form now! 

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